

To add a minimap to your game do the following:

  • Add the Game Manager (single-player) or Room Manager (multiplayer) component to your scene

  • Open the Mini-map tab and activate the "Use" checkbox

  • Place there your texture (read here about recommendations) and press the Adjust Map button

  • Now you should adjust the size, position, and rotation of the "Map Example" plane to fit your map in the scene

  • After that, the mini-map is ready and you can customize different parameters for it:



Rotate Mini-map

The minimap will rotate with the camera view

Rotate Blips

Opponents blips will rotate with their parents

Blips are Always Visible

If a blip is outside the mini-map, it still visible

Scale by Distance

If a blip is outside the mini-map, it still visible and is scaled relative to the 'Visible Distance' value

UI Placeholder Adjustment

In the UI Manager, you can adjust a minimap placeholder and its form.


Characters & Enemies

You can set a blip texture for characters and enemies in the Controller and AIController scripts respectively.

Pickup Items

There is the ability to set blips in the Pickup Item script (for weapons in the Weapon Controller script)

Other Objects

If you need to mark any other object in your scene (a target for example) use the Blip script for that - just add it to an object and set an Icon.

Use Rotation parameter means whether the icon will rotate with the object.

Last updated