Third Person

Aim Speed‌

How fast a character takes the weapon in the aim mode.

Switch to FP view

If you use the third-person view and activate this feature:

  1. First button click - enable normal aim mode.

  2. Second button click - switch to the first-person view to deep aim.

  3. Third button click - disable aim.

Aim before Attack

If this feature is active, a character will aim before the attack.

Scope model

To create a sight display, do the following:

  1. Create an object to match the weapon scope (standard cylinder for example)

  2. Activate the Scope Mode in the Weapon Controller script

  3. Place the object you created into the script

Aim with texture

To add a sight texture, do the following:

  1. Activate the Texture Mode.

  2. Set a scope texture.

Last updated